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100 Exercise Tips

 100 Exercise Tips

1. Determine your purpose of working out.

When it comes to the level of intensity that you want to go through in working 

out, you need to determine your purpose for it first. You have to decide if you 

want to simply get fitter or you want to build more muscles in exercising. On top 

of that, different forms of exercise may also be involved if you want to excel in a 

certain sport. By determining your purpose, you can easily decide on what kind of 

routines you want to do.  

2. Losing weight.

If you want to lose weight, one of the best things that you can do is to exercise. 

However, in order for it to be effective, you have to properly determine your 

goals for it. On top of that, you should also set a timeframe in achieving them. For 

example, you can set your goal as losing 5 to 10 pounds in a period of 1 week.

3. Think of an event that you want to get ready for.

Getting excited for a certain occasion can help you a lot when it comes to your 

motivation for exercising. With that, it is best if you can think of an event in the 

future that you want to prepare yourself for. One example is a high school 

reunion, in which you want to impress your previous schoolmates, that you are 

able to remain fit.  

4. When you exercise, you can become more energetic.  

If you are constantly feeling sleepy at work, then you should get some exercise 

soon. Exercising can actually make you more energetic. Thus, thinking about how 

much energy you can gain from it, should make you more motivated in hitting the 

gym and start working out.

5. Building your abdominal muscles.  

Lots of people think that the best way to build their abdominal muscles fast is to 

work them out each day. However, this is actually untrue, since you should also 

let them get enough rest. If you want to achieve better abs in lesser time, then 

you should just work them out for about 2 to 3 times in a week.

6. The relation between limbering and your age.  As you age, especially reaching the age of 40, your muscles would become less 

pliable. In other words, you have to limber or stretch them longer. When you are 

under the age of 40, you can stretch your muscles and hold them for just 30 

seconds. At the age of 40 and above though, it is best to hold your stretches at 60 


7. Preventing neck strain.  

Whenever you work out your abs, you have to make sure that you are putting the 

pressure on the abdominal muscles. This would ensure that your neck would be 

protected properly. On top of that, you can also place your tongue on your 

mouth’s roof whenever you do your crunch exercises, since it can align your head 

the right way and prevent neck strain.  

8. Think about rewarding yourself after every workout session.  

If you want to motivate yourself more in exercising, then you should think about a 

reward to give to yourself for completing each workout session. It can be 

watching a movie, eating your favorite meal, or simply going out for a relaxing day 

at the mall. By doing this, you would become more excited each time you are 

headed for the gym.  

9. Build more muscles to lose weight. 

If you want to lose weight fast, then you should go through exercise routines that 

can build more muscles. This is because, muscles require lots of calories to 

maintain. Thus, the more muscles you have, the more calories and fats you would 

be burning, which would result to faster weight loss. 

10. Don’t spend too much time in building muscles.

When it comes to going through exercise routines to build muscles, you should 

not go beyond the one hour mark for it. This is because, your body can produce 

the stress hormone called cortisol when you do that. This hormone can block 

testosterone and prevent your muscles to get developed.  

11. How to stay committed in exercising.

There may be times when you don’t want to go through the exercise routines, just 

because you don’t feel like it. However, if you skip one or two sessions just because of that, it can become a habit, which is not good. Whenever you feel like 

not going through the workout session, remind yourself of your goals, as well as 

the benefits you can enjoy from exercising, so that you can proceed.  

12. Go through weight workouts in order.  

The best way to workout your muscles is to start with dumbbells, followed by 

barbells, and then the machines. It is best to start with the smaller muscles, since 

they no longer would be required to work once you go with the heavier weights. 

Follow this, so that your muscles would be given proper workout.  

13. Do not forget your core.  

It is important that you strengthen your core if you want to perform different 

forms of exercise effectively. With that, you should not be afraid in doing situps. 

This is because, this exercise routine can make your abdominal muscles work 

longer and harder, aside from increasing your range of motion. Make sure that 

you do it properly though, so that you won’t hurt your back.  

14. Gaining more benefits from cardiovascular exercises. 

If you simply want to improve your health, then you should just go through 

moderately intense cardiovascular exercise routines for 30 minutes each day. You 

can do this for 5 days a week if you want results faster. If you want to do it just 3 

days though, then you should go through vigorous routines for 20 minutes only.

15. Cardio exercises can help you lose weight.  

When it comes to losing weight, you can also go through cardiovascular exercise 

routines for it. To hit your goals, you need to go through intensive cardio 

exercises for 60 to 90 minutes each time. Do it several  days in a week, so that 

your body would be able to burn more fats and calories.  

16. How to determine if you are working out at a moderate level of intensity.

When you ask advise from experts, you may have heard them tell you about 

exercising in a moderate level of intensity. However, you should also know what 

they mean by it. A simple way to determine this is that, if you are still able to talk 

while you are working out, then you are doing it right.  

17. Strength training and weight loss.  Strength training can definitely help in making you lose weight. This is because, 

you would be building more muscles. Aside from that, while your muscles are 

trying to recover and get developed, your body actually continues to burn more 

calories and fats for it. To make sure that you lose weight though, you should also 

take note of your calorie intake.

18. Don’t forget to target the major muscle groups.

In strength training, you may be given choices as to what routines you want to go 

through with. Keep in mind that certain routines target certain muscle groups. 

When you choose about 8 to 10 exercise routines for strength training, you 

should make sure that they target the major muscle groups, so that you can have 

a more balanced workout session.  

19. There is no need to target all your muscle groups in one session.  

If you are the one to come up with your own workout program, you have to take 

note that there is no need for you to target all the muscle groups each day. If you 

workout every day, then see to it that certain muscle groups are given ample time 

to rest before targeting them again. By doing this, you are giving time for your 

muscles to recuperate and get developed.  

20. Choosing the bench properly.  

When you work out, there are certain routines that would require you to make 

use of a bench. Keep in mind that benches are not made equal. To test it out, 

press your thumb against it. If your thumb can feel the wood, then you have to 

find another one. This is because, it tells you that the bench is too hard for lifting, 

which can weaken your arm. 

21. How to swim faster.

One of the best ways to increase your speed in swimming is to develop the 

flexibility of your ankles. This is because, your feet are like your flippers that can 

make you swim faster through the water. There are lots of simple exercise 

routines that you can go through for it. Perform them, so that you can swim faster 

than your friends soon.  

22. No more excuses.Lots of people are not able to achieve their fitness goals due to their excuses. One 

of the most popular excuses of all time is being too busy to workout. To get rid of 

it, try to workout on a single day even for just 10 to 15 minutes. After going 

through it, think if you were made underproductive by going through the exercise 

routines. You would most likely think that it did not affect your productivity and 

realize that you can always exercise each day without worrying about your work.

23. When to buy your working out shoes.  

You may think that there is no specific time in a day that is best when it comes to 

purchasing a pair of shoes. However, it is actually best to buy shoes in the 

afternoon or at night. This is because, these are the times when your feet are at 

their largest size. By doing that, you are ensuring that you can buy the perfect pair 

according to size.

24. Workout with your spouse.  

If you want to make working out more exciting, then you should do it with your 

spouse or special someone. There are lots of benefits that you can both derive in 

working out, which is why there is no way he or she can say no to it. By doing it 

this way, you can enjoy your workout sessions more.  

25. Watch TV programs about exercising.  

Watching television programs about working out can make you more motivated 

in going through your routines. On top of that, you can also learn valuable lessons 

from it, especially when you watch those that are hosts by experts in the field. 

Check out the channels that show such programs, so that you can take note of 


26. Make the necessary preparations.

If you are just about to start with your workout program, then you should make 

the necessary preparations for it. In other words, you should acquire appropriate 

clothing for working out. On top of that, if you decide to exercise at your own 

place, then you should also buy the necessary exercise equipment, such as 

dumbbells, barbells, and more.  

27. Building up the strength of your forearm.If you want to improve the strength of your forearm, you can make use of 

newspapers for it. All you have to do is to lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor, 

and take about 30 seconds to crumple it with your hand. Doing this can help you 

in performing well in tennis as well as racquetball.  

28. How to improve and maintain flexibility.

A person’s flexibility can decline as he ages. However, you can improve or 

maintain it by going through stretching exercises. When you go through 

stretching though, its benefits are not limited to maintaining your flexibility. It can 

also help you relax more and get you prepared for your whole workout session 


29. Working out your back muscles properly.

One of the routines you can perform to target your back muscles is the lat 

pulldowns. To do this properly though, it is best if you don’t wrap your thumb 

around the bar, and place it beside your index finger instead. When you do this, 

you are decreasing the pressure applied on your arms, which results to working 

your back harder.  

30. Stretching many times in a week.  

It is actually good to do stretching a lot of times per week. In fact, doing it 

everyday can give you a lot of benefits. If you have a hectic schedule though, you 

can always just do it for 2 to 3 days in a week. When you stretch, do it within your 

range of motion, and hold every stretch that you do for about 15 to 30 seconds 


31. Don’t just focus on your strengths. 

When you workout, you would find out that there are routines that you like, and 

some that you do not like. There is a good probability that those routines that you 

do not like are the ones that you are not good at. In other words, they may 

involve your weak muscles. Thus, it is best if you do the ones you don’t like more 

often, so that you can get rid of your weaknesses.  

32. Visit your doctor.  Prior to getting involved with any kind of training or workout program, it is 

imperative that you visit a doctor first. This way, he can get you checked out if you 

are fit for going through certain workout routines. Aside from that, he may also 

be able to tell you what exercises you need the most, in order to achieve your 

goals faster.  

33. Eliminating boredom.

One of the culprits behind failures when it comes to losing weight or building 

muscles is boredom. Thus, it is important that you prevent it from happening to 

you. To eliminate the chances of getting bored, you should vary your exercises. 

Aside from that, you can also change your frequency, time, as well as the intensity 

of your exercise routines from time to time.

34. Building your arms even after getting hurt.

When you lift weights, there is always a possibility to injure or hurt one of your 

arms. However, there is no need to stop working out, if you only hurt one of 

them. For example, if you hurt your left arm, you should continue working out 

your right arm. This is because, when you work out one arm, it actually stimulates 

the muscle nerve fibers of the arm that got hurt.

35. Count backwards.

When it comes to counting your repetitions, it is a good idea to count backwards. 

This is because, when you do it this way, instead of thinking about how many you 

have already done, you can only think about what you have left. Thus, it makes 

working out easier for you as you approach the end part of the set.

36. Your workout progress.  

If you have not been going through exercise routines for quite some time, then it 

is important to go with easier exercises first. In other words, don’t immediately 

perform intensive exercises, since it can get your muscles strained. Start with low 

intensity workout routines first, and go with the more challenging ones, when you 

have gained more experience in it.

37. Improving the condition of your legs.When you exercise, it is best if you target your calves as well, so that you can 

improve the condition and the looks of your legs. To achieve this, you should do 

seated as well as the standing calf raises. You would get better results when you 

do it like this, since your calves consist of two different muscles, which you can 

target with the seated and standing routines.

38. Weigh yourself prior to exercising.  

Before starting with your exercise program, you should weigh yourself first. This is 

important, especially if you are trying to lose weight. Take note of your weight 

and write it down on your calendar or a notepad. This way, you can refer to it 

after a couple of weeks of exercising, to see your progress.  

39. Test yourself every 3 or 4 weeks.

In working out, it is best if you test yourself regularly. Test different variables in 

your body such as your waist, body fat, muscle size, and such. By doing this, it 

would show you the results that are tangible, due to your workout program. 

When you see differences, then you are assured that all your efforts are paying 


40. Don’t take certain medicines after working out.

It is not a good idea to drink certain medicines after going through your workout 

session. Some people actually take ibuprofen and acetaminophen after exercising 

to relieve muscle pain. However, some experts say that these drugs can actually 

suppress muscle development, if you take them after working out, which is why it 

is best to avoid them.  

41. What to do when you are bored. 

If you have been walking for quite some time already, in order to lose weight, 

there is a possibility that you have become bored with it. When this happens, you 

need to find a good alternative to walking, so that you can keep on exercising. 

Some of the options that you have when it comes to this would be biking, 

swimming, and running.  

42. Getting rid of your protruding belly.  If you want to flatten out your stomach, then you should do more abdominal 

crunches each time you visit the gym. To make your crunches more effective 

though, one of the techniques that you can follow is to exhale with force when 

you reach the top of your movement. When you do this, it actually forces your 

abs to work harder, which results to having more muscles in that part of your 


43. How to effectively achieve six-pack abs. 

Although it is true that you need to go through crunches to achieve better abs, 

there are times when you may not be able to achieve it fast. One of the things 

that can prevent you from having fabulous abs is actually the fats that you have in 

your stomach. This is because, the fats would hide your abdominal muscles. With 

that, you should get rid of your fats in order to have abs.  

44. Building bigger biceps.

When you workout, you may also want to build bigger biceps, which is why you 

want to perform arm curls. To become more effective on it, it is wise to bend your 

wrists when you perform the routine. By extending them backwards slightly, you 

would actually be targeting your biceps more, and work it harder.  

45. Working out at your own home.

There are lots of benefits when you workout at your own place. Aside from the 

fact that you won’t have to deal with gym membership fees, you also won’t have 

to step out of your home and go through traffic. However, you need to make sure 

that you are really committed in going through it, since there are also lots of 

distractions at your home.  

46. Exercising when you are weak.  

There are some people who still try to go to the fitness gym even when they have 

fever, cough, or colds. This is actually useless, since your body would be focusing 

its resources in healing itself. With that, it is best just to get some rest at your 

place, and only workout when you are already at the best of health.

47. Ride your bike to the mountains.Going to the mountains with your friends while riding bicycles is actually great. 

This is because, it gives you the cardiovascular exercise that you need to build 

your stamina. On top of that, you can also inhale fresh air once you reach your 

destination. Choose your bike well though, to be on the safe side.  

48. Hiring a trainer for exercising.  

If you want to improve your weightlifting ability or for other sporting events, you 

can always hire a trainer for it. A trainer can provide you guidance in going 

through the routines that you need to tackle. On top of that, he would also make 

sure that you are progressing effectively.  

49. Paying your exercise trainer in advance.  

In hiring a trainer for your exercise routines, you may want to pay him in advance. 

This is because, it would ensure that you would follow through on your workout 

sessions. On top of that, it would also ensure that the trainer would be guiding 

you properly.  

50. Building your muscles more by stretching. 

After working out a certain muscle group, it is actually a good idea to stretch 

them. When you stretch them, they would actually get developed faster. Do the 

stretching for 20 to 30 seconds, so that your muscles would get developed faster. 

This should be done on a regular basis, so that you can see results soon.

51. Exercise to lose weight.

Exercising to lose weight can be effective, especially if you combine it with a 

balance diet. This is because, it would depend on how much calories you would 

be burning and how much you are in-taking. Thus, if you can burn more calories 

than you eat, then it would result to weight loss.  

52. Focus on your goals.

When you exercise, you should remain focused on your goals, so that you won’t 

be wasting your time. Thus, if you want to improve your strength, then you 

should lift more weights. On the other hand, if you want to become faster, then 

you should focus on workouts that would bring out that result. By focusing on 

your goals, you can determine the right exercise routines for it.  53. How to repair your muscles faster.

After working out, it is best if you get enough rest in order to recover faster. What 

you can do to make your recovery faster though is to lightly exercise the muscles 

you have worked out the following day. This is because, when you do that, it 

would actually help your body in delivering more nutrients to the muscles that 

need repairing.

54. Choosing the color of your workout clothes.

When you choose the colors of your workout clothes, it is best to just stick with 

the simple ones such as black, white, and gray. This is because, these colors would 

go with anything. In other words, you no longer have to spend a lot of time in 

matching the colors.

55. Choose the right footwear.  

It is very important to wear the right footwear for your workout routines. This is 

because, the right shoes can help in preventing injuries to happen. Aside from 

focusing on acquiring the right size, you should also make sure that you are 

buying something that is in good quality, so that your investment would be worth 


56. The best time to workout.

There may be certain times of the day when the fitness gym is filled with a lot of 

people. In most cases, this would be after office hours or early in the morning. 

Thus, if you can choose what time to visit the gym, then do it at the middle of the 

day. By doing that, you can ensure that you won’t have to wait for your turn in 

order to use certain workout equipment.  

57. Resting in between your workout sets.  

Keep in mind that resting in between your sets is important. However, if you want 

to make good use of your time while you are at the gym, then you should rest 

shorter during the early sets, and longer at the later part of the session. It is best 

to do this, since your muscles are still fresh at the beginning part, and they need 

more time to rest as you approach the end of your session.  

58. Avoid talkative persons at the gym if you want to save time.  When you visit the gym, you would eventually notice that some persons simply do 

not know when to stop talking. If you accidentally get beside them, then they may 

get you delayed. With that, if you want to save time, then see to it that you avoid 

such persons. If they really want to talk to you, then just tell them that you have 

to proceed, and that, you can talk once you are done.  

59. Do not forget your triceps.  

Lots of people workout their biceps, since it is the muscle group that they can 

immediately see in front of the mirror. However, you should also workout your 

triceps, since it is also a large muscle group. By working out your triceps, you can 

make your arms larger. 

60. The best way to build your triceps at home.  

Triceps are muscles that can be found opposite your biceps, and they are not very 

easy to target. To develop them while you are at home though, you can perform 

the closed grip push up for it. This routine is just similar to the traditional pushup; 

and, the only difference is that, you need to position your hands near to each 

other on the floor.

61. How to build your arms faster.  

Making your arms bigger would also make you look like a bigger person. To 

achieve that, you should workout not just your biceps, but its opposing muscle as 

well, which is your triceps. The best thing about working out these muscles is that, 

while you are putting pressure to one of them, the other one is forced to rest.

62. Frequency of strength training.  

It is true that you can do cardiovascular exercises on a day to day basis. However, 

when it comes to strength training, you have to see to it that you have at least a 

day of rest in between your strength training exercise routines. This is to ensure 

that your muscles are given ample time to recover and get developed.  

63. How to avoid injuries.  

In order to avoid injuries, you need to make sure that each exercise routine you 

perform is done properly. To achieve that, you can ask an expert for help in performing it. This is important not just in preventing injuries, but also in making 

sure that you can achieve your goals soon.  

64. How to exercise at work.

If you want to continue burning more calories even at work, then you should see 

to it that your physical activities are not limited. In other words, whenever you 

need to talk to an officemate, you should avoid using other means than talking 

face to face with him. Thus, you should not make use of the phone, chat, and 


65. Perform your exercise routines slower.

It is actually best not to rush yourself whenever you exercise, especially when it 

comes to strength training. Performing the routines slower would actually ensure 

that you are targeting the right muscle groups. On top of that, it would also help 

in preventing injuries.  

66. Increase your intensity regularly.  

In order to prevent workout plateaus, it is best if you increase the intensity of 

your exercises regularly. You can achieve this by increasing the amount of weight 

that you would be lifting from time to time. Aside from that, you can also do it by 

increasing your number of repetitions. It is best to do this, so that your muscles 

would be prompted to develop better and bigger ones.  

67. Keep in mind that each routine usually targets certain muscle groups.  

When you workout, especially with strength training, you have to keep in mind 

that each of the routines targets certain muscle groups. Thus, it is not a good idea 

to simply perform any type of routine that you come across with. It is best to 

identify the muscle groups that you want to enhanced, and select your routines 

according to that.

68. Practice proper breathing.

When you workout, you have to make sure that you practice proper breathing. 

This is to ensure that you won’t run out of breath when you exercise. On top of 

that, it would also help you perform the exercise routines properly. See to it thatyou practice breathing technique, so that you can go through your workout 

session without becoming too fatigued. 

69. Bench press can get your chest and triceps developed.  

When you do bench press, you can actually target not just your chest muscles, but 

also your triceps with it. With the regular bench press, it would naturally build up 

your chest muscles. To target your triceps, all you have to do is to place your 

hands closer to each other. This would take away the pressure from your chest 

muscles, and be applied to your triceps. 

70. Trick in bench pressing.  

If you want to achieve better results with bench pressing, you can actually 

perform a trick for it. To do it, all you have to do is to try to look at your dominant 

hand without making your head turn for it. When you do this, you won’t feel that 

you are actually putting the same pressure to the other hand; and, because of 

that, you would be able to lift more weight.  

71. Making chin-ups easier.

Lots of people find chin-ups difficult to perform, especially to those who are 

thinking about pulling themselves up in doing the routine. To make it easier, you 

should think about pulling your elbows down with it. The reason behind this is 

that, thinking of pulling yourself up can make you focus more on your weight, 

than when you think about pulling your elbows down.

72. Warm up your muscles before lifting weights.  

When it comes to lifting weights, it is always best if you do warm up exercises 

first. This prevents injuries, aside from the fact that it can also help you loosen up 

and perform the routines well. To warm up, you can simply perform stretching 

exercises, or do light cardiovascular routines. 

73. How to tell if you are using weight that is too much for your muscles to 


The best way to tell if you are using the right amount of weight when you 

workout is to try to perform the routines slowly. If you are forced to swing theweights to lift them up, then you are using too much weight. Don’t use too much 

weight so that you won’t put yourself at risk for injuries.  

74. Protect your spine at all times.  

Whenever you lift weight, you should keep in mind that improper execution of 

the routine can hurt your back or your spine. With that, you need to make sure 

that you can protect your spine at all times. To ensure that this is the case, you 

should practice proper posture, so that the pressure of each routine would be 

directed to the muscles you intend to develop.  

75. How to breathe properly.

Breathing properly during working out is important if you want to achieve 

desirable results from your exercise program. To ensure that you are breathing 

properly, you should exhale when you exert effort, and inhale when you are 

resting. With that, if you are lifting weights, then you should exhale when you lift 

the weight, and inhale, when you return back to your starting position.  

76. Know what routines target what muscles. 

Different routines target different muscles. Thus, you have to know the routines 

that target the muscles that you want to enhance. For example, if you want to 

develop your chest muscles further, then the routines that you should be 

performing are pushups, chest press machine, bench press, and so on.  

77. To build muscles, you need to load up on protein.  

Proteins are the building blocks of your body. Thus, you need to make sure that 

you eat food items that are loaded with it. Without adequate protein supply, your 

body would not have the necessary tools to repair your worn out tissues. On top 

of that, it would also not have the capability of building up better muscles.  

78. Walk at the park in the morning.

If you are wondering when is the best time to do your walking, then you should 

know that it is during the morning. Walking at the park early in the morning 

would give you a lot of benefits. Aside from boosting your energy levels at the 

start of the day, it would also give you the opportunity to inhale fresh air and 

absorb vitamin D3.79. Exercising without going to the gym.

Keep in mind that you can always exercise without going to the gym. You can walk 

at the park, around the block, or even at your home. Aside from that, climbing up 

and down the stairs in your office or at home can also make you exert the effort 

to improve your physical condition. Moreover, there are also other workout 

routines that you can perform at home; and, some of them may require workout 

equipment, while others don’t.

80. Don’t break you exercise habit.

One of the obstacles that you can encounter when it comes to working out is 

when you feel like breaking the exercise habit. Once you do, it can become a 

regular thing to you, and eventually make you put a stop to your exercising. Thus, 

you should avoid long breaks in working out as much as possible. By doing that, 

you are ensuring that you can be in top shape for the rest of your life.  

81. Preventing injury in running.  

To prevent injury in running, you can actually do something different for one 

week in every six. For that one week, try to cut down the distance that you usually 

cover in half. Aside from that, instead of running 6 days for the week, you can also 

bring it down to 3. By doing this, you would be providing your body with a better 

chance to recover, which is also a good way to prevent injuries.  

82. Shed off weight with milk.  

Drinking lots of milk can actually help you when it comes to losing weight. This is 

because, milk contains a lot of calcium, and studies have proven that people who 

consume more calcium have lesser amounts of body fats. With that, you should 

include milk into your diet and combine it with your exercise program.

83. What to do with your tight muscles.

When you work out, you would find out that some of your muscles are tight, 

while others are more flexible. To get around it, you should spend more time in 

stretching your tight muscles. By doing this, they would become more flexible, 

which can help you more when it comes to performing certain exercise routines.  

84. How to recover faster.If you have been injured, one of the best ways to recover faster is to exercise the 

soonest time that it is possible. This does not mean that you should not give your 

body ample time to repair the injured muscles. What it means is that, as soon as 

you can feel that you are capable of exercising again, you should immediately go 

through some routines. Just make sure to focus on low intensity exercises though, 

so that you won’t strain your muscles. 

85. Using a supplement.  

You may have heard or read about people making use of supplements in 

conjunction with their workout programs. If you want to make use of one, you 

should know that there are a lot of different supplements that are available in the 

market today. Thus, you need to make sure that you properly select the product 

that you would be using, so that it can really help you attain your goals.  

86. Make a list of your goals. 

Aside from coming up with your long term goals, you should also have short term 

ones. List these goals into your notepad or a sheet of paper, which you can post 

on your refrigerator. It is important that you see your list on a daily basis, so that 

you would be constantly reminded of them. On top of that, make sure that each 

of the goals have dates on when you want to achieve them, so that you can see 

them as your deadlines.

87. How to become more committed in exercising.

It may be difficult for some people to fully commit themselves to exercising on a 

regular basis. If you want to make sure that you become fully committed into it, 

one of the things that you can do is to go to the gym each day or at least every 

other day, for a period of one month. By doing this, it would become a natural 

routine for you, which would become so much easier to do.  

88. Make sure that you derive pleasure in working out.

Some people are not built for the gym. Thus, if you don’t enjoy being in the gym 

when you work out, then you should try working out at your own place. There 

may be certain things in the gym that prevent you from enjoying it. Thus, try it out 

at your own home, since it is very possible that it is where you really want to 

exercise.89. Running hills.

Running uphill can be quite challenging. To make sure that you can do it faster 

though, what you can do is to focus on an object at the top of the hill, while 

keeping your head up. This can help you breathe easier, which would greatly help 

you in running faster and in making it to the top.  

90. How to build up your endurance.

One of the best ways to build up your endurance is to join a marathon. To make 

sure that it would work , you should work hard for it, and aim to win the race. 

When you are able to do this, even before the marathon, you would already have 

your endurance improved.

91. Drawing X’s on your calendar.

There are lots of people who draw lots of X’s into their calendars these days to 

mark the days of the month, when they went to the gym. If you do this, just 

before the month is about to end, you would be able to see how many times you 

were able to go to the gym. Thus, it would motivate you to go to the gym more, 

so that you can see more X’s on your calendar.  

92. Getting stronger legs with lunges.

Lunges can actually build stronger muscles in your legs. However, if you want to 

make it more effective than it is, you should also do the lunges in reverse. Doing it 

this way can actually get your front legs work more. To execute it, you only have 

to step backward, instead of stepping forward.  

93. What to do when you are stressed out.  

If you are stressed out, it is not an excuse not to go to the gym. In fact, it even 

gives you more reason to visit the gym, since exercising can actually relieve you of 

stress. This is because, when you workout, your body would actually release 

endorphin, which can make improvements on your mood.  

94. Measuring fitness.

When it comes to measuring fitness, your weight is not the only thing that you 

can monitor for it. Keep in mind that if you are also going through strength 

training, then chances are, your muscle growth can offset your fat loss. Thus, aside from checking out your weight, you can also consider your progress in 

working out. If you are able to increase the number of repetitions you can do for 

pushups and sit-ups, then that is also a good indication of fitness improvement.  

95. Squeezing the muscles in your butt.  

When you need to lift weights over your head, then you should try squeezing your 

butt muscles. This would actually result to achieving a position, which can provide 

ample protection to your spine. With that, it can lower the chances of getting 

injuries at your back.  

96. Squeezing the bar.

When you bench press and you want to put more pressure into your chest 

muscles, then you should try to squeeze the bar. The squeeze should follow an 

inward motion to properly target your chest muscles. If you want to target your 

triceps, then you should be squeezing the bar outwards.

97. Sleep at least 8 hours each night.  

Each time you work out, you have to consider the fact that you are putting 

pressure to your muscles. With that, if you want to get your muscles developed, 

then you have to provide your body with enough time to repair them. When you 

sleep for at least 8 hours every night, not only would you be providing your body 

a chance to repair your muscles, but you are also ensuring that you would have 

high levels of energy the next day.  

98. Eat more fruits and vegetables.  

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients that can help your body in having 

good levels of energy. Aside from that, they can also ensure that you are properly 

hydrated. Thus, it is best to eat more of them, so that you can attain your goals in 

working out soon.

99. Eat more eggs.

Egg whites contain the rare protein called albumin. This type of protein can be 

absorbed by your body easily. Thus, it speeds up your muscle recovery, aside from 

helping your body in building muscles faster. Aside from that, the yolk of the egg 

also contains essential fatty acids, which can help in boosting your energy levels.  100. Exercise one arm at a time.  

There are certain forms of exercise that can be done with just one arm or with 

both arms. If you want faster results from them though, it is best if you do it with 

just an arm each time. This is because, isolating one arm in working out can get 

you higher quality sets than if you use both arms together. Because of this, your 

muscles would get developed faster.  


  1. #exercisetips

  2. #fitnessjourney

  3. #getfit

  4. #workout

  5. #healthylifestyle

  6. #gymlife

  7. #fitfam

  8. #strong

  9. #cardio

  10. #strengthtraining

  11. #homeworkout

  12. #findyourfit

  13. #moveyourbody

  14. #consistencyiskey

  15. #progressnotperfection

  16. #bodyweightworkout

  17. #noexcuses

  18. #fitspo

  19. #activelifestyle

  20. #welness


  1. setting fitness goals

  2. choosing the right workout

  3. importance of warm-up and cool-down

  4. strength training basics

  5. cardiovascular exercise benefits

  6. finding fun and enjoyable activities

  7. importance of proper form

  8. developing a workout routine

  9. incorporating strength training

  10. listening to your body

  11. staying hydrated

  12. getting enough sleep

  13. stretching and flexibility

  14. rest and recovery

  15. dealing with workout plateaus

  16. tracking your progress

  17. finding a workout buddy

  18. staying motivated

  19. healthy eating for exercise

  20. modifying workouts for limitations

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